Pegasus Tools Collection

Here you can find various tools and utilities made by the developers
and the community

Theme Gallery

A page where you can find custom themes for Pegasus

Metadata Converter

Convert between Pegasus metadata files and various formats used by other frontend softwares

Android Metadata Generator

Create emulator configurations for Android using RetroArch and other common emulators

RetroPie Frontend Chooser

A graphical tool for selecting the preferred emulator frontend on RetroPie

ES2 Theme Converter

A work-in-progress tool for converting EmulationStation themes to work with Pegasus

Community tools


A cross platform game data scraper with built‑in support for Pegasus

Export plugin for LaunchBox

A LaunchBox plugin for exporting game informations as Pegasus metadata files


A Python script for generating Pegasus metadata files from EmulationStation game data and cleaning duplicate assets