Simple theme, Part 1: Base layout

Initial files

I'm on Linux, so my theme directory is at ~/.config/pegasus-frontend/themes. I'm creating a new directory called tutorial-simple, and in it my theme.cfg, like this:

name: Simple theme
author: Mátyás Mustoha

and the basic theme.qml:

import QtQuick 2.0

FocusScope {


Now I open Pegasus and select this theme on the Settings screen. I'll keep Pegasus open during the development, and refresh the theme with the F5 key after changes. I also open the main log file ~/.config/pegasus-frontend/lastrun.log which will tell me if I've made any errors in the QML file.


You can use whatever text editor you like. Qt Creator is cross platform, has good auto-complete and syntax highlight features. For a more lightweight editor, Sublime Text with the QML package, Atom or Notepad++ could be used, among others.


You might see .qmlc files popping up in your theme's directory. These are cache files, generated for faster loading. When copying the theme to a different machine, you don't have to bring them, they'll automatically get generated the next time you launch Pegasus.

Base layout

The theme consists of a left and right main panel, so I'll start by adding them first. The left menu panel will take 1/3 of the whole screen, and have a lighter gray color. The right panel will be darker and take the rest of the screen.

import QtQuick 2.0

FocusScope {

    Rectangle {
        id: menu

        color: "#555"

        width: parent.width * 0.3
        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

    Rectangle {
        id: content

        color: "#222"

        anchors.left: menu.right
        anchors.right: parent.right
        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom



Using anchors you can define the position and size of elements relative to each other; see anchoring.

If you now refresh Pegasus, you'll now see that the screen has been divided between the two shades of gray. You can also see the width of the left panel changing automatically when you resize the application's window.