Flixnet theme, Part 2: Navigation

You might have noticed that the components react already to mouse drag or scroll, but keyboard and gamepad input doesn't work yet. Let's fix this!

Vertical scroll

Simply add focus: true to the collection axis:

ListView {
    id: collectionAxis

    // ...

    focus: true

You can now scroll the bars with Up and Down, but... it's kind of weird right now. It'd be better for the items to "snap" to their place, to scroll to the next item when we press a button. This can be fixed with the snapMode and highlightRangeMode properties: setting snapMode keeps the elements organized when scrolling the list as a whole, while highlightRangeMode will make sure the selection follows the scrolling (that is, when you press Up or Down, you actually select the next or previous element, not just view a different part of the list).

ListView {
    id: collectionAxis

    // ...

    snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem
    highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange

    focus: true

There, much better now.


Setting up the keyboard input also makes gamepads work. Check the Controls page to see how are they related.

By default, every delegate that is at least partially in the ListView's area is fully drawn. To make sure only the rows in the lower half of the screen are visible, I set clip on the ListView:

ListView {
    id: collectionAxis

    // ...

    snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem
    highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange
    clip: true

    focus: true

Horizontal scroll

We have a somewhat complex layout -- scrollable items inside a scrollable item; we can't just set focus: true here, since that'd mean we set it for each row, and end up with scrolling one we don't want. However, every ListView has select-next and select-previous function we can use (incrementCurrentIndex(), decrementCurrentIndex()), and the currently selected item can be accessed through currentItem.

In this case, the currentItem of collectionAxis will be the Item element inside collectionAxisDelegate:

Component {
    id: collectionAxisDelegate

    // this one!
    Item {
        width: ListView.view.width
        height: vpx(180)

        Text {
            id: label

            // ...

        ListView {
            id: gameAxis

            // ...

But how can we access the ListView, gameAxis of the Item? Turns out we can't just use its id, as it's not accessible by external element (we'll get an error about gameAxis being undefined). Function definitions and property members, however, can be accessed. For now, I'll simply create an alias property for the horizontal axis:

Component {
    id: collectionAxisDelegate

    Item {
        property alias axis: gameAxis

        width: ListView.view.width
        height: vpx(180)

        Text {
            id: label

            // ...

        ListView {
            id: gameAxis

            // ...

We can now access the game axis of the current collection as currentItem.axis (see below).


Yes, you can also write it like property alias gameAxis: gameAxis, I simply preferred the different name in this case.

Combining the ListView functions, currentItem and manual keyboard handling (Keys), we can now make the horizontal scrolling work with:

ListView {
    id: collectionAxis

    // ...

    focus: true
    Keys.onLeftPressed: currentItem.axis.decrementCurrentIndex()
    Keys.onRightPressed: currentItem.axis.incrementCurrentIndex()

...which, similarly to the vertical axis, initially scrolls in a not so nice way. Fix it like previously, but in the delegate:

ListView {
    id: gameAxis

    anchors.left: parent.left
    anchors.right: parent.right
    anchors.top: label.bottom
    anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

    orientation: ListView.Horizontal

    model: 100
    delegate: gameAxisDelegate
    spacing: vpx(10)

    snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem
    highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange

And now both directions should scroll finely!


To see that the current item indeed changes, you could set the color of the gameAxisDelegate's Rectangle to:

color: ListView.isCurrentItem ? "orange" : "green"

Left margin

There's a small margin on the left that shows the game before the currently selected one. We don't want to reduce the size of the horizontal ListViews (they should fill the whole width of the screen), we just want to move the currently selected item a little bit right. For this, we can use the preferredHighlightBegin/End members of the ListViews: they can be used to define a fixed position range (in pixels) where the currently selected element should reside.

I'll set a 100px offset like this:

ListView {
    id: gameAxis

    // ...

    preferredHighlightBegin: vpx(100)
    preferredHighlightEnd: preferredHighlightBegin + vpx(240) // the width of one game box


preferredHighlightBegin and preferredHighlightEnd almost always come in pair, and End must be greater or equal than Begin to have their effect applied.

We also need to move the collection label too. As it's just a regular Text element, I'll simply set its left anchor and a margin on it:

Component {
    id: collectionAxisDelegate

    Item {
        // ...

        Text {
            id: label

            // ...

            anchors.left: parent.left
            anchors.leftMargin: vpx(100)

        ListView {
            id: gameAxis

            // ...


The anchor margin is only applied if the anchor itself is defined.


You can also use the Text item's leftPadding property. This feature was added in Qt 5.6 (as mentioned in the official documentation), so you'll need to change the import command on the top of the QML file to import QtQuick 2.6 or higher (Pegasus comes with Qt 5.9 at the moment).