Building Pegasus

Pegasus is a cross-platform native application written in C++ and built mainly on top of the Qt libraries. Manually building has the following requirements:


  1. You can use either Qt or SDL2 for gamepad handling. SDL2 has better compatibility, but may not be readily available on as many platforms as Qt.
  2. If available, Git will be used to determine the version number shown in the program.
  3. You can either build with QMake or CMake. When building with CMake, at least Qt 5.15 is required.

To install Qt, you can follow the guide on this page.
To install SDL2, you can use your platform's package manager or you can download the library directly from its official site.
To install Git, use your platform's package manager, or the official installer, and make sure it's available in your PATH.
To install CMake, use your platform's package manager, or the official release, and make sure it's available in your PATH.

Get the source code

You can find the sources at Download it using your favorite Git client, or as a zip file from the webpage.

If you are using the command line, make sure you also get the submodules:

git clone --recursive

In case you forgot, you can do it after clone too:

git submodule update --init


Pegasus is a Qt project. Qt provides a graphical IDE, called Qt Creator, which you can use building such projects, or you can call Qt's qmake tool directly from the command line.

Alternatively, if you have Qt 5.15 or later, you can also use CMake, of which at least version 3.16 is required. You can find the official CMake releases here.

Using Qt Creator

  1. Open Qt Creator and open the project file (
  2. Qt Creator will ask you which Qt setup ("kit") you want to use (in case you've installed multiple versions), and where you want to place the generated build files. If everything's OK, click Configure Project.
  3. (optional) Change the configuration (see below)
  4. In the bottom left corner, on the sidebar of Qt Creator, you can find 4 buttons:

    • with the button that looks like a desktop monitor, you can change the build type (optimized Release build or development-friendly but slower Debug build)
    • the green arrow will build and run the program
    • the green arrow with a bug will also open several debug toolbars
    • the hammer will build the project but won't start the application

  5. Change the build type to Release, and press the green arrow to build and run the project.

Using qmake

  1. Create a build directory somewhere, and step into it
  2. Call qmake like this: /path/to/qmake path/to/pegasus [options].
    • If you have multiple Qt versions installed, make sure you call the right qmake.
      If you've installed using the official release from the Qt site, you can find it in [qt-installdir]/Qt5/[version]/gcc_64/bin. You can add it to your PATH if you want, but it's not necessary.
    • You can also change some configuration options, which you can find below.
  3. Call make
  4. (optional) Call make check to run tests.
  5. (optional) Call make install

Using CMake

This section assumes you have some experience with CMake, as you can build Pegasus just like any other CMake project:

  1. Create a build directory somewhere, and step into it
  2. Call cmake like this: /path/to/cmake path/to/pegasus [options], or use the CMake GUI for configuration; you can find the details below
  3. Call your build tool (eg. make) to build the project
  4. (optional) Call ctest to run tests
  5. (optional) Call the install/strip target of your build tool for deployment

Configuration options

Using qmake

For qmake, the Qt configuration tool, you can change build parameters by appending KEY=VALUE pairs to its command line call. If you're using Qt Creator, you can find these settings on the Projects -> Build settings tab, where you can modify the Additional arguments option (see here).

build steps screenshot

The following parameters are supported:

SDL_LIBSA space-separated list of linker flags (ie. -l and -L) for linking SDL (but you should not link to SDL2main)
SDL_INCLUDESA space-separated list of include directories for SDL; one of them must contain the file SDL.h
USE_SDL_GAMEPADBy default, the build will use Qt's built-in gamepad support; to improve compatibility, you can use SDL2 instead, by setting this to 1 (default: OFF)
USE_SDL_POWERExcept on Android, by default Pegasus has no information about the battery satatus of the device; setting this to 1 will enable an SDL-based implementation (default: OFF)
ENABLE_APNGEnable support for animated PNG files; this requires a Qt version that was built with an APNG-patched libpng (default: OFF)

If SDL_LIBS and SDL_INCLUDES are both empty, but an SDL-option is enabled (eg. USE_SDL_GAMEPAD), then pkg-config will be used to find it, on platforms where it is available. Note that only the gamepad module is used from SDL, so if you're building it on your own, you can turn off many of its features during configuration. You should not link to SDL2main.


Some platforms optionally support installing and deploying builds. In practice, this means preparing the final executable and copying it to a particular location. The behaviour can be controlled through the following parameters:

INSTALLDIRThe general installation directory used by make install. Defaults to /opt/pegasus-frontend on Linux, /usr/local/pegasus-frontend on Mac and C:\pegasus-frontend on Windows.
INSTALL_BINDIRThe installation directory of the executable. Defaults to INSTALLDIR. On most distros /usr/bin is a good value.
INSTALL_DOCDIRIf set, make install will copy the license and readme files there. On most distros /usr/share/doc/pegasus-frontend is a good value.
INSTALL_DESKTOPDIRLinux only. If set, make install will create an XDG desktop file there (making Pegasus appear in the main menu). Unset by default, on most distros /usr/share/applications is a good value.
INSTALL_ICONDIRLinux only. If set, make install will create an XDG icon file there (making Pegasus have an icon on the tray and the menu). Unset by default, on most distros /usr/share/pixmaps or /usr/share/icons/hicolor is a good value.
INSTALL_APPSTREAMDIRLinux only. If set, make install will create an AppStream XML entry there (making Pegasus appear in certain app store applications). Unset by default, on most distros /app/share/metainfo is a good value.


qmake path/to/sources \
    SDL_LIBS="-L/path/to/sdl/lib/ -lSDL2 -Wl,--no-undefined" \
    INSTALL_BINDIR=/usr/bin \
    INSTALL_DOCDIR=/usr/share/doc/pegasus-frontend \
    INSTALL_ICONDIR=/usr/share/icons/hicolor \
    INSTALL_DESKTOPDIR=/app/share/applications \

Using CMake

For CMake, you can either use its GUI, or add -Dkey=value option to the command line call. In addition to the standard CMake parameters, the following Pegasus-specific options are supported:

PEGASUS_USE_SDL2_GAMEPADUse SDL2 for gamepad support (default: ON)
PEGASUS_USE_SDL2_POWERUse SDL2 for battery info support (default: ON)
PEGASUS_ENABLE_APNGEnable animated PNG support; this requires a Qt version that was built with an APNG-patched libpng (default: OFF)
PEGASUS_STATIC_CXXLink stdc++ statically (default: OFF)
PEGASUS_ENABLE_LTOAllow link-time optimizations, if the compiler supports this (but increasing build time) (default: ON)

To explicitly tell where Qt and SDL is located, you can use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, which is a semicolon-separated list of search paths.

For deployment, the standard GNUInstallDirs module is used, ie. on Linux most paths should have a correct default value. You can use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to set the root deployment directory. If you wish to customize the paths, use the following parameters:

PEGASUS_INSTALLDIRThe general deployment directory
PEGASUS_INSTALL_BINDIRThe deployment directory of the executable
PEGASUS_INSTALL_DOCDIRThe deployment directory of the license and readme files
PEGASUS_INSTALL_DESKTOPDIRLinux only, the deployment directory of the XDG desktop file (making Pegasus appear in the main menu)
PEGASUS_INSTALL_ICONDIRLinux only, the deployment directory of the XDG icon file there (making Pegasus have an icon on the tray and the menu)
PEGASUS_INSTALL_APPSTREAMDIRLinux only, the deployment directory of the AppStream XML entry there (making Pegasus appear in certain app store applications)


cmake path/to/sources  \
  -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/opt/Qt5;/opt/SDL2"  \